But we do get a few things done. At least sometimes. We had lots of radishes around that I was at a loss to know what to do with. Well, I remembered seeing something about Supercook online somewhere.http://www.supercook.com to the rescue!!! So today I took the cream cheese I picked up at the store over the weekend and mixed it with finely chopped radishes.Then I thought to make it even better and add minced garlic. This was not Supercook's idea,I don't believe. But tweak recipes,I do. It was good too.
Tonight,I gave the white,whole wheat flour its test run. It debuted in a double batch of pizza dough.It was lovely though maybe a bit "mushier" than I'm used to. I stuck some in the fridge for pizza tomorrow and used the other half to make an easy focaccia recipe I tore out of the back of Parents magazine.It came out good except I somehow missed the part about the shredded Parmesan so we had a rather powdery concoction. A bit embarrassing. Not that I would have used shredded P cheese anyway....
In case you're wondering why I get Parents magazine I found out about a free offer through http://www.moneysavingmom.com/ magazine.I do snag some good ideas from the magazine.I should bring them here for show and tell.
Well,there were a few more achievements to the day and a couple visitors and a nap that happened today but nothing momentous.So,in the interest of having a productive Tuesday I will sign off.
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