Wrenbird baby is 5months old now. Chelsea is about 3and a half years. I had forgotten since it's been so long,how babies,probably up to two years old,WAKE UP EARLY! At least mine seem to and I don't think I'm the only one . What is it with them? They're babies! They should sleep in!
This morning WrenBird routed me out of my snuggly warm bed.And I think it has just begun,the earlier rising.Usually I can nurse her off to sleep again. This morning was tough for I also had a big 3 that grumpily wanted to be in my bed too. And Lee was trying to get some needed extra sleep.I gave up. It was raining. Oh,so delicious for sleeping! The rest of the household was peacefully quiet.The girls and I were up to start Monday. Which is probably right,beings that I wear the title Mom around here. It just seems like this morning could have started in less Momishly..... Ah,well. We enjoy so many blessings.I cannot complain. Praise God today!
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