Thursday, September 15, 2011

thoughts on "weaving"

I'm on the quiet 1st floor, with my Squirrel at my side. The shelves are lined with books.
Some of them old,maybe full of older tales. Some of them newer,shiny.
Off to my right a teacher talks to his students. His teacherly voice tells of things like stocks and bonds.
I search for books with large print for my oldest child.
I find thick books with enough story to reach for a while. Yum.
Beyond the books I find other things,things to touch and play with, a box of rock specimens.
This quietness, this abundance of all kinds of materials inspires me. Probably the freedom inspires me too.
I'd love to go to a dream school, where I could read, pop in on classes when it corresponded with my studies,go exploring, assemble a curiosity cabinet........
Probably what I'm really savoring also, is all that quiet  :).

Life's not really like that for me, not like that university library I was sitting in.
It's noisy, with lots of structures to help reign in  the mass of human energy held here in this small space.

But,maybe,maybe there still is/can be a similarity to my dream learning space.

We already do lots of sitting around and learning from people who know, carving,crocheting,music,bicycle repair.
We sit around and read.

Maybe the biggest ingredient I'm missing is the quiet. Heh!

And this year I am being more intentional to quietly track learning trails and compile markers on the trails. Markers that say we were here, we have touched this information, it is being woven into our learning weaving.

I hope I'm raising some happy weavers, interested in these pieces of art they're creating, not some factory drudges putting in their time......


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