Tuesday, March 16, 2010

re:kitchen and table letter

Dear Julia Charlotte, Way too much happens around here to record it all. So many people, so many moments of wonder. Here are some kitchenish pictures I've taken of late....
making Harvard Beets with fresh squeezed orange juice....
I find all kinds of creations made from word magnets these days..

My dining table-today.

My table from another angle....

making Harvard beets...


We've served quite a lot of this almost cheeseless pizza. We like to use up what we've got and not run to the store for ingredients we don't have. Thus pizza made with just a bit of Parmesan grated on top.

The children and I are reading through Proverbs at breakfast time. One chapter a breakfast.
(I skip the extreme details about adulterous women and their wiles. Somehow that's difficult, especially that time of the day!)
I captured my cousin this weekend and we made Cinnamon Pecan coffeecakes. I've also made Cinnamon Ribbon banana bread to share with friends and neighbors.(We're about out of cinnamon!)
And last but not least,here's something cool I glued up yesterday evening on my kitchen countertop,just in time for a surprise birthday party. My candle decoration!(Look on the very bottom of the linked page. And give it a try. )
Happy creating!

1 comment:

affectioknit said...

I love beets! I think it's such a good idea to read Proverbs - I love all of those bits of wisdom...

I agree about skipping parts - we skipped the Bathsheba part when we were reading Samuel with Scout - and David had plenty of other failings we could talk about without bringing in one that is so difficult for little ones to understand...