On St. Patrick's Day, we dug out SquirrelGirl's spring coat. It was appropriately colored.
Reflecting on being a pilgrim and feeling inspired by this verse from the Bible "..To God's elect,strangers in the world,.....who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father,through the sanctifying work of the Spirit,for obedience to Jesus Christ and sprinkling by his blood:... from 1 Peter,1:1 Of course this is also a journal of sorts,and so often has mundane jottings as well as deeper thoughts!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
re:green and yellow
On St. Patrick's Day, we dug out SquirrelGirl's spring coat. It was appropriately colored.
Monday, March 22, 2010
re:learning adventures
pipe cleaner eyeglasses by Alex,worn while playing UNO
Saturday, March 20, 2010
re: Shakespeare behind Bars
We watched Skakespeare behind Bars. The movie covers a group of prisoners through the course of putting on a Shakespeare play. It's a story of talents being unearthed, of growth, of redemption of life of a sort (though you will ache,especially at certain points for them to know the redemption of Jesus Christ) of humanity. The photography is amazing also.
Not recommended for children though,so get a sitter if you go to see this one.
On to the day. We have colds,Lee worked all night(the scamp!) and there are curtains to be hung, wedding gifts to buy, compost to deal with. Good stuff on Saturdays! May your day go well also!
In His Love,
Friday, March 19, 2010
re:spoiling or doting
I wanted to have someone around that noticed the things I was good at and drew me out.
I wanted to have a dad that brought me home little trinkets from buisness trips and swung me off my feet in a hug.
It wasn't that I ever went hungry. And I had some little trinkets. But I think what I wanted were those little touches. Those details that I wouldn't ask for but would happen because somebody loved me,oh so much. The situation I grew up in was challenging. It didn't allow for pampering. Then I started my own family and those little things are a regular part of my offsprings lives.
They get their bowls of sliced apples and oranges, their trinkets from trips, their hot cups of tea in the morning,all nicely prepped. Their dad takes them to play soccer and I take them to art class and the list could go on and on.
They do their chores and say thank-you Mama and so on.
So is there any problem?
Well, I think there's one thing I didn't know as a child, who wished for love-touches.
It's that those parents who can give so much, walk a fine line between loving ,and doing our children a disfavor, by having them come to expect too much, by too much serving instead of training them to serve, of spoiling instead of teaching independence.
I think it's a path that can be navigated by prayerful interceding and God given wisdom but it can be tricky!
In Him, Pilgrimama
Thursday, March 18, 2010
re:crocuses and projects
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
re:kitchen and table letter
My table from another angle....
We've served quite a lot of this almost cheeseless pizza. We like to use up what we've got and not run to the store for ingredients we don't have. Thus pizza made with just a bit of Parmesan grated on top.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
I also thought you might like to know there was apple crisp made by yours truly. (Really I'm mostly just playing with some new online toys....)
re: breadmaking for a new mama
Recently I had the great privilege of making bread for a friend who was in labor.Here is a little helper shaping the buns as we kn ead and wait!
A short post today as I process life and God's shaping of it!
Good things!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
re: books and pajamas
You do see a Max Lucado book on that pile. My children have a few of Lucado's books, one or two courtesy of a loving Sunday school teacher. How do you feel about Lucado's books?
I found Jodi Picoult's Mercy among the piles. I rarely read novels but I have read some of Picoult's work. Mercy tackles a difficult topic as usual. Not recommended for just any readership.
A side note. (I saw my neighbor a couple doors down, out back wearing a coat and pajamas. I felt happy to see she was so normal. She is a lot older than me,I hope that still gives me justification???
But then I had a worrisome thought. I hear a new family is moving into the empty house next door. The wife is from England. She is a mother. Do proper English mums ever sneak out with the garbage in a coat and pajama bottoms?
And worse yet,if I don't get some curtains on our windows, she might see pajamas being worn at other odd times of the day. But I can see in her windows too. I know. I'll hang a sign in my window that says"It's ok, WE CAN BOTH WEAR PAJAMAS! I WON'T TELL! LIVE THE AMERICAN DREAM!"
On to other things. Be well.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
re: the blahs
homemade valentines using scraps of fabric
I think we got this idea at all buttoned up and adapted it.
Dear Julia Charlotte,
Have you ever had one of those days that are gray outside, (and inside too)?
You can't decide what to do and feel listless about starting anything?
The blahs get worse and worse as you think about how much time is being wasted doing nothing?
What works for me is usually this. I go do one or two small things. As I do those things I will see more things that need to be done. Interest starts building. And soon the blahs are gone!
March is still cold around here but Spring promises it's first official day later this month. I am hibernating pretty much still. Kind of a sulky hibernation.
Maybe I will send you pictures of the stack of books I picked up at the thrift store over the weekend. And as a side note, we finished Homer for children last week. It was quite the strenuous read. Jess has been reading a kids book on Abraham Lincoln with Lee in the last few days. That was one of my weekend thrift store finds.
I should go to bed now. Everyone else is snuggled under comforters and the like,sleeping, while Squirrelgirl and I play with our respective electronic toys(the computer for me and the Babe (pig)movie for her.