Wednesday, May 25, 2011

snail mail praise

I am a fan of the snail mail letter. I like to get them. I like to send them. I like to write them in a chair, on the bed, or under a tree (but not with green eggs and ham,please leave me be..) ,well you get the picture.

I am doing some organizing around here,making a letter writing drawer for the small fry, an art paper drawer set up nicely, stuff like that and trying to get a package ready for a special friend.

Yesterday,while thrifting, I found a card organizer folder for putting in cards that you will want to send out organized by month. Yay! I have my very own letterwriting drawer as well, and this was just the thing to help me organize.

So this morning I organized my letter-drawer and it is a great feeling!
Now if I could find a cute little organizer for embellishments....

Then I made granola.
And supervised chores,crafts, and fried fish.
And now I need to go read storybooks to the tribe.
Be well!


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