Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Winter List of stuff to Do At Home....

Read for fun....

Carefully make up a birthday basket for a young friend's birthday......

Climb trees.......

learn to spell,somewhat phonetically,but still.....

do puzzles late at night when Mama and Daddy are already in bed...

make signs for Mama,

put chocolate chip cookies in the mismatched sock bin,

eat cookies on mom's bed,

read staaaaaaaaaaacks of Boxcar Children books,

practice walking,

test the no standing in the highchair rule,


See! Winter is not dull! Enjoy your winter day,friends!



The Benoit Family said...

Sister, What are you feeding that baby? She has grown SO BIG! I can't believe we haven't seen you in that long.

It is a blessing to see you all on the blog. Thank you for sharing the photos all the time. Much blessing to me and the family!


Meliss said...

Esther just learned how to read! It will always be a special memory to see her so happy about her accomplishment.

More later.