Thursday, April 14, 2011

back from women's retreat!

purse made in Africa by women in the Watoto ministry
 This past weekend (basically two days and two nights!) I went on retreat with many of the women from our church family. It was amazing and so worth it. Many thanks to the organizers of this event!
So much learning, sharing, and pure beauty!

          A verse from one of the songs we were gifted :

Dark are the branches reaching for light
High is the path of the hawk in its flight
Turning and gliding greeting the night
Why do we hunger for beauty?
 Wish I could freely share more,but I'm not sure of the copyright stuff here soooo- click on the link!
The song title is Why Do We Hunger for Beauty by Jim Croegaert.
This Youtube video doesn't have the whole song but there are some that do....
This was so beautiful as we studied both the pain we bring to Jesus and the Beauty of who He is as our theme was Hope and Despair.
I have been drinking chapparral tea for health's sake. This stuff is bitter!
 The town now has flowers in abundance! Our backyard has so many violets!
Library Day for us today!
Happy Thursday!

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