Monday, February 8, 2010

Dear Julia Charlotte, I hope you're enjoying the weather in your warmer area of the world. We had quite the snow come down this past weekend. Lee's work requires him to do a lot of snowplowing so we didn't see too much of him. My sister came and babysat so I could go to a blessingway with friends. The roads were so bad we did a bunch of walking instead but it was a party to remember! A bunch of us from church were woman enough to dare to go out that night!
I am sending another package of pictures. I struggle to have enough time to play with words the way I'd like. They say a picture is worth a lot of words. Does it feel that way to you?
some snow captured on camera from my bedroom window...

we are getting reacquainted with firewood...

playing Rock,Paper,Scissors before bed...

this is a recent project-my handsewn pillow made out of bandannas!

MAKING THESE CUTE WINDOW BIRDS... find out how from:

watching the first Narnia movie...
It's Monday. There has been early morning prayer meeting, our traditional pancake breakfast, cleaning, vegetarian lunch making to treat guitar teacher, guitar lesson,a huge poop mess in two rooms(don't ask me how), a failed nap, tinkering on an article with a family member,woodhauling and still lots more on the list for the evening. i MUST end this letter!

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