Friday, March 23, 2012

four leaf clover and miscellany

i found a four leaf clover on Sunday. i've looked all my life for the elusive four-leaf.
guys, i was excited!
maybe it was because i'd just stopped to help a worm off the sidewalk....:)

the packing continues! we are editing here,we are! it's like putting a giant puzzle together!

today is Egypt day for our homeschool co-op!
i've been up crash coursing through some egyptian material. i think everything will be fine!:)



Wednesday, March 14, 2012

gentle, sleepy day

I guess today is a rather gentle,sleepy day with little buzzing in my head feeling urgent to get out.
It's been filled with simple things like watching my youngest three putting lots of water in a large Rubbermaid tote,setting a kid-sized chair inside the tote, and then sitting in said tote filled with cold water.
A good way to cool down.

Making veggie and cheese sandwiches for the children.

Being happy that there is a clean stack of dishtowels ready for use and that Lee's washcloths are clean and ready to fill his basket.(I got him a nice basket and his own washcloths for Love Day so he can't say there aren't ever clean washcloths again..)

Making minestrone with a bag of white beans we were given.
This morning we were given lots more white beans from someone else who had come into an abundance.( I think this is how God looks after the wild out of control of the large family when the numbers of making ends meet don't logically make sense. He provides the beans. (:    )

Glad and thankful I do not have a headache today.

Have a wonderful rest-of-Wednesday!


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

strawberry stuff and flowers

The weather is warm today. It was warm when we woke up or at least close.
I'd like to think we have some cold weather still in store.
It kind of feels like we didn't have a proper winter this year.
 The children had a water balloon fight  in honor of the warmth.
Now they are making some sort of drink in the blender.

Here's a refreshing drink for the warmer days ahead:

Strawberry Stuff
  • a handful of frozen strawberries
  • water, maybe three cups
  • sweetener to taste
  • Blend or puree in blender
  • Done!

Oh, yesterday I forgot to mention the flowering forsythia!
And the pink flowering bush in the yard.
And the tree with white flowers next door.
Flowers all over the place.
Disturbing! Disturbingly beautiful tho!

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, March 12, 2012

a monday list

  • The daffodils are blooming like mad.
  • I have gotten a tote for our camping gear and am planning to organize our things.Anyone else preparing for the upcoming season?
  • Jess starts soccer practice tonight!
  • Today I was the late mom to pick up my offspring at P.E. class. We have this awesome thrift shop in town which sells lots of awesome stuff but the service tends to be on the slooow side. Well, I knew that when I went there to shop...! Should have planned better!
  • Yesterday, I trimmed off Squirrelgirl's lovely locks. Maybe for only the second time in her life?
  • I better prep the stirfry for dinner before long.....
And there is my Monday List!

What are you doing today?

Saturday, March 10, 2012

the breakfast list and two portions

snuggly sisters
So about the time a mama's first cup of coffee is had, the voices come.
Those that say that well-known phrase: "I'm hungry!"
 And because we all probably know the urgency of that, here's my breakfast list for you!

  • oatmeal with toppings like seeds or raisins or mini chocolate chips
  • scrambled eggs with cheese and maybe toast
  • breakfast burritos
  • fried potatos with ketchup and eggs
  • plain yogurt and fruit smoothies
  • cornmeal mush, milk and honey
  • "soft" eggs and toast
  • baked oatmeal and fruit
  • "creamed eggs"
  • "gallo pinto" eggs, and coffee
  • pancakes(can have fruit or pumpkin added)
  • skillet granola
  • french toast
You're welcome.
We've had the special occasion to contract the flu and the pink-eye this week.
Well, at least some of us.

Squirrelgirl on contemplating awakening all "fevery" and yucky:
"Maybe it's because I had two portions of ice cream last night..."

Happy Saturday!

Monday, March 5, 2012

tracking the newness....

Posting right now feels like I'm tracking the days,these days of change and newness on the horizon.
The weather hints of Spring soon to be here.
The house shows signs of unsettled.
Boxes are piled on one side of the livingroom.
The rug's rolled up.
Things are getting thrown away,set aside for a free "sale" perhaps, some things readied for our new nest wherever that is, and the house is having its nooks and crannies cleaned.

And beside the boxes is the sweetest little,bassinet with more sweet little items piled inside.
And Lee's old wooden highchair is standing nearby.
All awaiting the arrival of the newest little Pilgrim.

So much change, so much new.

To all of His children I believe our Father sends things to make us cry out for Him.
He lets us feel the sensation of the Out Of Control.
A sense of powerlessness.
And we come to that place where we cry out.
In the crying and the tears comes the blessing of a feeling.
A feeling of being loved, of belonging.

Abba, You are.


Thursday, March 1, 2012

what's on our table..

It's amazing how important food is in a home. At least our home.
 A well put together meal is a balm to the souls that gather round it. It says that there's energy in the house, love and caring, often stability and foresight.

As I come out of a season of doing less cooking than usual, I'm excited to remember recipes in my "to-make" "files".

Split pea and ham soup popped into in the crockpot before phys. ed. class? Awesome!

Tacos? The children were delighted!

Jess has become my resident cake maker as we have found ourselves with access to lots of free cake mix. I know, not that healthy, but it gives him a great feeling of independence and helpfulness and that makes it ok in my eyes. You know?

My mother has brought us some awesome cuts of meat and we've been enjoying that as well. Smoked ham and sausage? You bet!

As what little we've had of winter rolls out ever so slightly, it's a good time to get in the mood for fresh and healthy cooking.

What's been on your tables these days and what  in your to make file?


p.s. Happy March!!!