Thursday, August 28, 2008

Computer trouble...

Melissa reporting here for Marci.

Their computer is currently having technical issues. It should be back up and running shortly.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Costa Rica Trip-part four

Having coffee with a Tico family....
A Costa Rican tot....

Stitching on paper during rainy days...

Building a "raft"...

Playing in the ocean.
Funky computer service keeps my blogging to a minimum along with lots to get done in the line of dental work. In spite of it all I managed to get some pictures here and there.
So much is happening it's hard to know where to start.Living in a foreign country makes for so much story material.... Which story to tell? The one where I get stranded on the bus,making a two hour trip into three?
The one where the wrinkly older crossing gaurd helps me across a busy,busy street calling me "munecita"(little doll)?
Do I write about the humidity,heat or dampness of my blankets during days of rain?
Or perhaps about all my son's adventures exploring Costa Rica.
Maybe about the "pati" I ate yesterday? No! No! Make that the squashed flat gecko I cleaned off the floor this morning!
And all the spiritual richness and revelation from God during this time would fill pages! Maybe this is mostly to say I don't have time to write a book just now.Hopefully it's true that pictures are worth a million words!
Hasta Luego! Marcella