Monday, April 28, 2008

Babies and sleep-ins.

Cowgirl in action.

Wrenbird baby is 5months old now. Chelsea is about 3and a half years. I had forgotten since it's been so long,how babies,probably up to two years old,WAKE UP EARLY! At least mine seem to and I don't think I'm the only one . What is it with them? They're babies! They should sleep in!

This morning WrenBird routed me out of my snuggly warm bed.And I think it has just begun,the earlier rising.Usually I can nurse her off to sleep again. This morning was tough for I also had a big 3 that grumpily wanted to be in my bed too. And Lee was trying to get some needed extra sleep.I gave up. It was raining. Oh,so delicious for sleeping! The rest of the household was peacefully quiet.The girls and I were up to start Monday. Which is probably right,beings that I wear the title Mom around here. It just seems like this morning could have started in less Momishly..... Ah,well. We enjoy so many blessings.I cannot complain. Praise God today!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Mushroom growing and homeschooling

This Kombucha Mushroom was a gift that keeps growing! If you want particulars go google it. This is intriguing!
Our box of science books. Dig right in children! It's a great time of year for science studies.

A random scattering of books on Jess's bed.

Recent art projects on the kitchen wall.
Today,being Saturday demands that I sit here no longer. Ciao! Marcella

Friday, April 25, 2008

Loving So Much...

Loving so much is vulnerable. Times come when a mother and wife cannot protect,caress, remove difficulty for her loved ones. Things can happen that leave raw wounds because of how deeply we have loved.So what's the answer? Stay away from loving so hard?

I think the answer is faith. Faith that we have a Heavenly Abba Father who knows far more than we do.Who loves and seeks our best. The understanding and reassurance that He cares for even the sparrows. Yes,Father.

I love you,Lee. I love you for sitting there listening to that sermon and seeking out how to be the best son of God you can be. I love you baby Sarenna Faith. You showcase love. Thank-you Father for the gift of the presence of these two. You will allow me to love for as long as you see fit. And that is right.

On a different note,need a quick,homemade toy? Fill a water bottle with water. Add food coloring and glitter. Presto! If you have older children be prepared to have them concoct their own versions. No,I did not think this up myself.

Time to get moving. Yesterday we listened to Gulliver's Travels on CD with Jim Weiss. I think that pretty much wraps up Gulliver for a while. I am pleased:). I listened to pretty much all of A Christmas Carol on CD also.I guess it is useful in that it is a reminder. A Christian should always love his neighbor though and it shouldn't take ghosts to remind us. And how long will Scrooge remember and be reformed if God is not his reformer and Help.We can't do it all on our own strength. My thoughts.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Book Recommendation for Gardenless people

Since Blogger can't seem to upload pictures this morning,here's a title Jess enjoyed very much. It might be even more enjoyable if we lived where we had no garden. The Chalk Box Kid by Clyde Robert Bulla has been on our reading stack and we enjoyed it so much we read the whole book in one sitting.Which was a surprise. The copy we borrowed from the library was old and worn but the storyline was excellent. It involves gardens, and making do happily and beautifully.

"He made a pear tree and a walnut tree. He made vines to hang from the branches. He made bird's nests in the trees"

The imagination is rich,just rich in this book. It captures a young boy's life so well. You may wish to edit or discuss a few points dealing with bullies or a lazy uncle in this book but overall I recommend it. Happy reading!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A ball of string and some sticks

Surveying the waters-we're seeing a boat here,if you were wondering.The children sometimes bemoan their lack of large toy tractor collections or other you name its that their friends have but most of the time they find some pretty creative ways to entertain themselves. (Not that they have no toys either! i wasn't trying to imply that.) So this boat here is one of the things that came about after I picked up a roll of string for them at a dollar store.You should have heard the cheers when I got into the van and announced the string purchase. I heart the fact that they cheer over a roll of string! So this boat was created and a few accessories added.It helps for the boat look.

Lots of tape is used in our house. And packs of white paper.Here's the boat's flag.

Oars were neccessary.As you can see a small,junky broom has regained usefulness. We did not observe Earth Day but we DO recycle.:)
On our homeschool agenda today is looking up pictures of a gorilla,per Jess's request. You may like also if you haven't found it already. Ok,gorillas! Here I come!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Our Home is our Studio

There were some far more interesting photos I had intended to post with but somehow they didn't get uploaded.... The studio that is our home is abuzz with activity these days. We mothers are privy to one of the world's most interesting places and especially so if we take advantage of it. I mean how many people get to wear so many hats,do so many different things in the course of one days work?

What I really enjoy also is getting to keep creativity flowing in new directions and do some spectacular work by being diligent with little. When there's little else to work with but old newspapers. glue,water and some cardboard or a bowl,maybe a balloon or two,some beautiful things can happen. It takes get up and go,sure. But you may be certain others will find your home/studio fascinating !
And now I hear the youngest member of the budding artists awake. Gotta run!

Friday, April 18, 2008

In with Spring!

This time of year is busy with ushering in the new growing season,a change of weather,a shift in thought. Seed starting and plant coddling keep one mindful of temperature and details like the sun's position and presence or absence.
Daring to put some plants out in the garden has us waiting for rain,concerned about frosts and so on.
We went out as a family to clean up our yard today so the grass can be mowed.We decided to pay our landlords to trim the grass while we're here rather than messing with buying equipment ourselves and all the hassle that entails. Thus yard mowing returns to the cycle also.
And I am rather perplexed with how to organize the boys clothes right now. We are gradually using more T-shirts and the like but there can still be cold mornings and days.So clothes are just rather unclear right now. A mixture of thicknesses and lengths.
Tomorrow we will likely consider a temporay sandbox and how we'll make all that happen.Weekends are nice!

One more smiling baby picture. Are you tired of these yet,Mom? See how round her cheeks are?

Well, a good-night to all! Marcella

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Spring Views

The view from my kitchen window sill..Two aloe plants with Sculpey sea creatures etc. adorning the pots. A pineapple top waiting to be potted. The beginnings of a grass hair eggshell growing project is underneath the pineapple top. We wouldn't earn any magazine awards now,would we?
A First Picnic of the Year picture. Sandwiches and banana chips if I remember correctly. Child brewed mint tea or maybe apple tea bags is my guess on the drinks being served.
A much longed for soccer ball.
My computer time is about up . Today looks to be busy,with the family of the children's little pals and our near neighbors planning to come for dinner. The children and I have a kitchen floor to scrub! Beans are calling me to crockpot them for tonight's burritos. We should forge on with one of our Little House books too. So "so long,farewell !"

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Hi Abuela!

Some happy shots of the joyful Wrenbird that inhabits the Pilgrim house. I spend an awful lot of time clucking over this baby bird. She's just ever so kiss and huggable. And her smiles are an extra bonus. Ok,I sound cliche! There aren't really good words you know.............?
Wax resist painting was in the works this morning. Reading prep workbook, alphabet flashcard games and reading Curious George,Franklin and the Big Kid?, Runny Babbit by Shel Silverstein(I doubt I'm an overall fan of Silverstein but this is part of my poetry enticing work right now) and discussing A Child's Book of Art put out by DK. The art book you may wish to preview first,depending on your personal guidelines. I hunted this one down after seeing it was part of the Sonlight curriculum for one of the early years(I forget which) but it wasn't a big hit. Alex found it somewhat enjoyable and if I hadn't been so sleepy I probably could have helped make it more interesting. Lord willing,there's tomorrow!
Now there's spaghetti to finish for the little ones lunch,a load of laundry to put out, some meat cooking that needs attention, maybe a nap.Ordinary stuff...
Ciao! Marcella

Monday, April 14, 2008

North Carolina-Last Weekend

Alex and Chelsea up on the balcony of a house way up in the mountains of North Carolina. It was a very unique place to spend the night and hike in the morning. We traveled on to Ashville,NC and explored a bit,including a stop at a super thrift shop for me.

We went out to NC for Isaac Coates memorial service which is a post unto itself which I hope to do soon. But that will take a day which is not Monday. For Mondays have a way of being so "Mondayish" which does not lend itself well to musing blog posts. So anyway,I thought I should try to catch up on the past weekend considering that we had just c ompleted a weekend since then. I need to finish up some Monday work now. The one good thing we got done today is send in the application for WrenBird's passport. But that involved going to the post office and taking a chunk out of a morning. And besides,I'm trying to catch up from the late nights of the weekend which number three exactly. Well,I'll stop now! Ciao! Marcella

Friday, April 4, 2008

Passing Glimpses of Learning

These are shots of various tools of life and homeschooling we've been using recently.And I don't think any of this cost much either! Just goes to show learning doesn't have to cost a fortune. It does show that a parent must be on the ball with material gathering. Libraries,thrift stores,free offers,dollar stores, yard sales all provide fodder for much learning. As do nature walks, the recycling bins in your shed, the grocery store or a remodel project. Or lots of stuff I didn't add to this list. Learning is so much an attitude,a way of living.Look for the opportunities!